A pleasant distraction from your Monday, I bring you my weekly Link Roundup: a collection of interesting, informative or humorous pieces I've picked up during my trawl through the Internet!
This week, we have:
Can one learn to be lucky? This article from the Guardian suggests that luck is largely a matter of being observant, combined with a positive attitude.
The Seven States of Facebook. Apparently, interconnectedness still happens in sub-network shapes.
Ancient graves are nothing new, but this 2,000 year old grave in Mongolia is made interesting because a man with Western European ancestry. Whoever he was, he certainly must have had an interesting story to tell.
Cultural imperialism can manifest in odd ways, such as is described in this New York Times article on the Americanization of mental illness.
And from the Better Living Through Science Department, a drug discovered in the soil of Easter Island may possibly provide the key to curing Alzheimer's.
Five Things You Didn't Know About Pirates. I'll do ninjas next week, I promise.
Under the heading "Nifty Stuff People Do" comes this article about rice field art in Japan. Quite lovely!
And lastly, for your humor sign off, an article from Cracked.com about Six Spectacularly Bad Ideas From History's Greatest Geniuses". Of course Tesla's on the list!
Quick Shout Out for a Charity Stream
2 weeks ago
Oh yes, ninjas please.